A review by purrfectpages
We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon


Quinn and Tarek have known each other forever. Quinn works with her family in the wedding planning business, while Tarek grew up on the catering side of things. Last summer their relationship crossed a line leaving both parties wondering where they stood with one another, but also too afraid to ask.

Now that Tarek is home from college, old habits are dying hard. Quinn is still the romantic skeptic, frustrated with working all these over the top weddings. Tarek still remains a hopeless romantic who relishes big gestures. But their feelings towards romance aren’t the only things that remain unchanged. They both also still have feelings for one another, despite being frustratingly opposite when it comes to matters of the heart.

I liked the twist on the gender stereotypes in this one. Normally the female is depicted as having stars in her eyes, while the guy tries to play it cool. In this story, Tarek is obsessed with the likes of Sleepless In Seattle (an excellent choice, by the way), while Quinn is reluctant to fall for anyone given her exposure to relationships in her own life.

It’s also a bit of an interesting slant on young adult fiction. This one doesn’t cross the line, per se, but it does straddle it a bit more than most young adult romance. Solomon herself writes for both adults and teens, so it makes sense. I found the slightly racy undertones refreshing because it doesn’t pander to its teen audience. And really, what is a teenager if not emotionally conflicted and full of hormones?

Thanks to @netgalley and @simonteen for hooking me up with the advanced copy! This fun title comes out next month!