A review by bookish_embers
What Lies Within: Not Your Average Antho by F. East, Lara G. Elmore, L. Starfyre, A.J. Macey, Bee Murray, M. Sinclair, Everly Taylor, Ashley Amy, Melody Calder, Eileen Troemel


First off let me start off by saying that I had a lot of fun reading all of these little short stories/excerpts to new books from all the authors that have participated in the What Lies Within Anthology. You all did an awesome job! There are a couple of shorts/excerpts that I want to expand my thoughts on so here goes...

1. I really, really, really loved the excerpt from M. Sinclair's book Soothing Nightmares. I about died where she ended it though because I NEED MORE!!!!!! Those first three chapters hooked me and I just know that this book will become another one of my absolute all-time favorites. Also, I HIGHLY recommend every single one of her other books that she has written ;)

2. A.J. Macey's little short story Smoke and Harvest takes place between chapters four and five of the second book, Smoke and Survival, in her Best Wishes series. Let me tell you if you have not already started this series then go do so! I love Lucienne, Nik, Dante, Camden, Hudson, and Logan and Landon (twins) and this short just made me love them and their journey even more. The fourth book will actually come out next month so this was the perfect thing to help tide me over until then. I say that as I am going to go get my paperback copies to re-read the series all over again haha.

3. Another excerpt that I enjoyed from this anthology was Silence of the Hunter by Everly Taylor. I was left in shock at the ending and I already can not wait to read the rest of the book when it is released!