A review by gayathiri_rajendran
Aru Shah and the Song of Death by Roshani Chokshi


Aru Shah and the Song of Death picks up right after the ending of the first book. I was so excited to read this sequel that I wasted no time in picking this one up. This book is just as good as the previous one and I binged on it in a day.

This book follows Aru and her band of friends with two new additions as they set out to prove their innocence after they're accused of theft. There are a lot of quests in this book too and the humor is on point. I loved the references to Indian culture and LOTR and also several pop references sprinkled throughout the book. They were not awkward or cringey to read about and gelled rather well with the situation in the plot.

The word building was great and we are able to delve more into the world of Hindu mythology. The pace of the book is consistent and there is never a dull moment. We also get to witness the epics from a neutral point of view. Many themes such as every story has two sides and the fact that everyone has a right to make good decisions despite a bad past. I love that the author has not shied away from such heavy issues.

The characters in this book are well written and are a delight to read. Brynne and Aiden are lovable and they join forces with Aru and Mini on this quest. The dynamic between them are awesome. The revelation at the end was quite unexpected and hilarious.

This book was funny and fast paced with a solid plot and good writing.