A review by curlygirlreadz
Fit for the Throne: The Trial of Ten by S. McPherson


I received an ARC for an honest review. First, I’d like to say that writing fantasy is tough, creating worlds and characters that don’t exist in real life is daunting, so kudos to the author for creating this special piece of work.

*some minor spoilers*
I have always liked hunger games because of the competition trope, which made me like the idea of this book immediately. Enter Varialla con Hastings an orphan in the human realm who is taken away to another world where her true identity is known to everyone BUT her! She is chosen to be a contestant on a show called “Fit For the Throne” where she will enter a battle with 100 others who are all vying to be the winner and find their mates. However, Varialla’s true origin and hidden agendas of the game council lead to unrest and chaos.

I really liked the writing style of this book although I wasn’t a huge fan of the MC or the love interest. Varialla was a little underdeveloped for me but she had redeeming qualities I did like (learning about her past, wanting to save her home). Exekiel left a lot to be desired, I would have liked more of his background and understand why the conduit chose him to be a part of the show when he is quite literally the protector of the Five Isles, to me it didn’t make a lot of sense (however, maybe that is coming in the sequel)— if he had been a member of the game council I think I would have liked him a bit more. I also disliked his nickname for Varialla.

I loved the supporting character Lucinda, Cherise, Phoebus and Maximus all added great value to the story.

I liked the character Loch, however I was not a fan of the father/daughter/lover language. It didn’t sit well with me and I found myself trying to skim past intimacy scenes that involved them—this made certain parts of the books hard to read/skip over.

Ultimately, I did like the book and really appreciated the cliffhanger. I would definitely read the sequel!