A review by karlyo83
Fear Nothing by Lisa Gardner


My Rating: 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ super entertaining, kept me interested and maybe slightly generous but the writing was on point!!

They were daughters of a monster—a father who slaughtered eight prostitutes before dying himself. Dr. Adeline Glen left the nightmare behind, and now she specialises in pain management. Her sister, Shana Day, followed in her father’s violent footsteps, first killing at age fourteen and being incarcerated for more than twenty-five years.

After a brutal attack, Boston Detective D. D. Warren needs Adeline’s professional help to recover physically. But when a new psychopath known as the Rose Killer begins a reign of terror, D. D. must also consult the insane Shana—who claims she can help catch the madman.

D. D. may not be back on the job, but she is back on the hunt. Because the Rose Killer isn’t just targeting lone women; he’s targeting D. D. And she knows there’s only one way to take him down…

Sounds pretty juicy right!!! Well you would be right… I really loved this one. As mentioned above - my rating might be slightly more generous than other readers … but for me I just enjoyed it… some of it is far fetched but if you suspend your disbelief for some entertainment then its good quality writing and entertainment all the way… this is also not total suspension of disbelief like some of Gardener’s other books either… this is just a bit… well for me anyway.

Let’s talk about D.D she is normally a pain in the arse big time… the last book [b:Catch Me|11720382|Catch Me (Detective D.D. Warren, #6)|Lisa Gardner|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1325628802l/11720382._SY75_.jpg|16668559] and this one she isn’t such a jerk… and really you would think in this book she would be a major jerk… she is injured after all and not on the job… so normally she would go full bitch face… but I quite like this D.D. I really enjoyed Dr Adeline Glen and her character development and her ‘friendship’ with D.D because normally anyone who is female D.D can’t wait to scratch their eyes out quick enough so this was a nice change.

ALSO I loved Shana Day’s character… if I had a gripe (I have a couple of small ones) I would have liked a lot more Shana. I would have loved her POV from a teenager or a child, just to get the real creepy killer vibes from her. I would have liked some of her inner monologue as a antisocial personality type that doesn’t possess the same feelings for things and people that you and I do… also shes a cold blooded killer… I wanted more of her… but I really loved her storyline and then couple her up with her sister Dr Glen… YESS I wanted more and more of this. I loved it. Edge of my seat loved it.

My other minor gripe was that the killer was meh… the reason for the killings was meh… but to me the backstory of Harry and Shana Day, Dr Glen and even D.D’s injury was interesting enough to keep me going. There are some really ick knife scenes in this one… so if you are a bit queasy then mind yourself in here… lots of blood and cutting. I really really loved learning about Adeline’s rare genetic disorder where she cannot feel pain and how that is really a massive negative rather than the positive I immediately thought it would be… Lisa Gardner did a fantastic job as always of researching to help the reader learn more about a topic. I really appreciate that, coupled with her great writing it makes for an interesting story.

This one felt short but it was a little over 400 pages so I know I enjoyed it when I didn’t want it to end. I really appreciate this series… most of the books in this series I have read are just good quality even if some of them go a bit OTT … but entertainment factor is there and they help me time and again get me out of a reading slump.

Overall would I recommend this… definitely!! To those of you who love Gardner but haven’t read this one get stuck into it… and those that haven’t given her a try… you can dive right into this one without reading any of the others… these are generally set up as standalone novels and this one is no different. You will get enough backstory to know who is who. You may, like me, learn some interesting facts and hopefully be as entertained as I was!!