A review by jamietherebelliousreader
Epilogue by CJ Roberts


5 stars. What a fantastic ending to an amazing series that has become one of my all time favorites. I'm honestly sad that Caleb and Livvie's story is over but I loved their ending. It wasn't perfect but it was perfect for them.

You have no idea how much I enjoyed reading from Caleb's dirty, dirty P.O.V. He was honest, raw and he brought humor with his snark and smartassness. It was such a different side of him and I loved it so damn much. What a dirty minded man he is, I felt like I needed a shower during most of this book. Not like that's a bad thing or anything cause it's not. I quite enjoyed it.

Livvie seemed like a completely different person in this book. I loved her! She was such a drastic change from the emotionally and mentally broken girl from the first two books. She still had that baggage here, of course, but she didn't let it drag her down anymore. She was all about moving forward instead. She came across as a normal girl despite her messed up past. She was fun, outgoing and still as stubborn as ever. I don't know if this was just how Caleb saw her or if she had really changed so much. Either way, I enjoyed the new and improved Livvie.

Caleb seriously, what more can I say about him? Nothing. That's what. Nothing. He was a very interesting narrator and seeing everything exclusively in P.O.V made the entire series feel complete. He wasn't trying to win the reader over, he just wanted to tell his side of the story from the end of Seduced In the Dark and let the reader know that he and Livvie still had miles to go to get to their happily ever after.

Everything about this trilogy is perfection. I really have nothing else to say.

Caleb. I love you.