A review by bkclub4one
Keepers by Kenechi Udogu


I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

The third time was the charm with this one! Perhaps it is because it was longer than the other books? I don’t know, but this was the best book of the three. As the title suggests, Keepers (who had been depicted as the big bad guys hiding in the shadows) feature a lot in this book.

The book begins with Gemma being kidnapped by some unknown people after she and other students are involved in an accident. These guys being the opportunists they are snatch her from the scene of the accident which is really messed up if you think about it. The rest of the team at home, that is Laura, Russ, Paul and even Peter are stuck trying to figure out where she is all the while looking over their shoulder in case the other empaths show up.

Unlike in the other books, Keepers is written using alternating Gemma and Russ POVs. It was nice to read someone else’s point of view for a change. This one, just like the other two is fast paced with a lot going on. There is one reveal after another although some were not so grand because I figured them out long before they were revealed. Other new characters including the ones from the previous book were featured in this book. It is now a tie between Laura and Peter for my favorite character since I couldn’t choose. Peter of all people! He was not particularly good (in fact he was a douche) in the first book but I liked him in this one, sarcastic comments and all.

The ending was perfect. With all my questions answered, I could not possibly fault it. Keeper is the final book in the series although there is a novella to complete the box set. I have started the novella and as far as I can see, the book has nothing to do with Gemma and Russ so this is it for them.

All in all I highly recommend this book for paranormal and YA readers. The wait for this book was totally worth it.