A review by sqeeker
The Candy Shop War by Brandon Mull


This is a clever and fun book, but there were a few things I didn't like about it.

Plot: The whole idea of candy that gives you different abilities was awesome! I really loved learning about the different candies. I the story was well done, and there really wasn't dull moment. The ending reminded me of The Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowley.

Characters: I don't really like Brandon Mull's portrayal of children. I don't think he captures them right. It isn't really believable that 10 year olds could do all this. In some parts they acted their age, but overall, it really isn't how 10 year olds act and think. I liked the characters, but I thought their could have been less of them. A few of the kids could have been combined, and it would have made better characters.

The book was fun and inventive, but I just didn't connect or feel for the characters. I had the same problem with the kids in Fablehaven.