A review by jmanchester0
Superman: Last Son Of Krypton by Elliot S! Maggin


It was a fun story, but it did jump around quite a bit. Almost in a non sequitur fashion. Like it was designed to confuse. There's a lot more going on than seems to be on the surface of this 240-page book, and it would have helped to have more background info before jumping from one scene to the next. That, mixed with Maggin's penchant for mixing in scientific background for some of the science fiction of the book made me wonder if it wasn't twice as long before some editor got ahold of it and edited it down to its current size, more palatable to a younger comic-reading crowd. (Cf, Billy Joel: "If you're gonna make a hit, you gotta make it quick‰Ы_")

Overall, it was a quick, enjoyable read. I liked nods to other parts of the DC Universe, but I won't spoil them for you here. I like to see my superheroes grounded on Earth (yes, even though Superman is an alien), but I thought Maggin spun an interesting tale pulling the extra-terrestrial into it. Interesting to see a couple of biblical references and mentions of God. It had an interestingly rich history of the Man of Steel to be written 35 years ago. Even pondering philosophy like: Is Superman good for the world, or harmful?Recommended for serious fans.