A review by tatterededges
The Loyal Wife by Natalie Barelli


There are some pretty gaping plot holes in this book. None of the characters motivations and behaviours make any sense. Except for Frank, the corrupt man of god. I’d say the author pretty much nailed him.

I don’t know about you, but if I witnessed my husband run his lover over in the woods, my first instinct is not to bury the body and play happy families for the next 2 years. You can bet your arse, we are having a conversation about it, with and without the cops.

If Lauren is not having an affair with Mike, then why does she behave the way she does? Whispered conversations in the middle of the night, why does she agree to give her an alibi and then tell the truth to the police, knowing it means her friend will likely get arrested? Why does she run straight to Mike after their fight and then prevent Tamra from entering her own house? The whole thing reads like the author changed her mind at the last minute but didn’t bother to do any edits.

Mikes behaviour makes no sense. At all. If he’s innocent of everything but the affair, which his wife already knows about, why would he lie to the police about it when his wife is being questioned and potentially about to be arrested for murder? Why tell her to tell the truth, then lie to the cops? Why does he text her to come home, and call her friend because he’s worried after he’s just set her up to go to jail for murder?

Maddie. Do I believe this kid is clever enough to pull of this ridiculous scheme? Nope. Not even a little bit. 6 months for hit and run and then, boom, she’s totally reformed and going to med school. Sure. Can you get into med school with a criminal record? I’m not convinced.

Tamra gets 2 years in jail for burying a body but the person who actually killed her, blackmailed her family, attempted to murder her step mother by shooting her in the head in cold blood gets 6 months? Sounds legit.

And then, after all the really fucked up things they ALL did to each other, everything is forgiven, they’re all friends again and everybody lives happily ever after and go on the Ellen Show.

What. The. Fuck?