A review by nagam
Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler


Things that intrigued me about this book: it was declared to be a self-discovery tale about a girl who has a lot of growing up to do. It was about a girl who has a lot of jacked up family problems. Hey, who doesn't? I did. I wanted to relate to her. I knew there would be a sweet little love story hidden within.


Love story.
Messed-up family.

Count me in.

I read a review about this book before I began that compared it to [b:Saving Francesca|82434|Saving Francesca|Melina Marchetta|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1302788502s/82434.jpg|1369647]. While I do think that if you've read either [b:Fixing Delilah|7074259|Fixing Delilah|Sarah Ockler|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1284431674s/7074259.jpg|7328132] or Saving Francesca, you should read the other... I think Fixing Delilah takes the cake for me. I was quite surprised by this fact because [a:Melina Marchetta|47104|Melina Marchetta|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1277655889p2/47104.jpg] is a brilliant author. I thought that nothing would really trump how crazy her family situations are and how sweetly she intertwines a romance.

I was wrong.

[a:Sarah Ockler|2188726|Sarah Ockler|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1311454451p2/2188726.jpg] did a brilliant job with this story. She kept me guessing. What in the world could happen that two sisters would completely cut off all ties with their mother? Will any of these relationships be restored? Will Delilah's mother PLEASE get off the freaking phone? Can I *please* have a bit more Patrick in my life? I had story lines and solutions all figured out in my head, but sure enough, she surprised me and I didn't guess all the details. Some story lines seem like they're done over and over again, and since I felt like I'd just read Saving Francesca - a similar book in theme, I hoped I'd take away something new from this book. I feel like Ockler achieved that. I love the way she writes - how she gave great descriptive names to certain things (like her mother). She had a few fun life lessons thrown in there, and really hit a home run when it came to my emotions. Sometimes I just wanted to cry my way through the pages because things were so out of whack.

As soon as I finish this review, I'm heading over to Ockler's page to find out what else she's written and how I can get my hands on it!