A review by lauraanne9
Caught Up In You by Jules Bennett


***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

I am a fan of Jules Bennett. I love her writing, the stories she tells, and the characters she introduces us to. This book is another one on the list of books I enjoyed.

Braxton and Cora were interesting characters. The idea that Cora is blind, and how she is coping with this change in her life was really interesting. I liked that this was a facet of who she was, but not all that she was. I loved her independence, I loved that she was a person outside of her blindness. I also really liked that Braxton was not that bothered by her blindness, that he took it as a part of Cora...not the most important part, but just a facet.

The pacing was strong and there were no places where the story felt like it dragged or moved too quickly. The dialog was true to life and they were relateable as people and not just as characters in the story.

While this is the 2nd in the series, it can be read as a standalone. You do meet the characters from the first book in this one, but there are no real spoilers as to their story.

I recommend this book.

***This and other reviews also featured on “I’m A Sweet and Sassy Book Whore” http://www.imasweetandsassybookwhore.com***