A review by janp
Bon Bons to Yoga Pants by Katie Cross


Easy one day read. Enjoyable characters and good story line. Lex weighs 250 lbs. and is in college. Her dad died a couple of years ago and they were very simpatico, especially concerning overeating. He died, in part, because of his obesity. Her younger sister is engaged and Lex is expected to wear the typical ugly maid of honor dress in "Pepto Bismal Barbie pink. She really has no life except binging and chatting with a guy on Facebook she met 2 months ago. The story line is her wanting to lose weight so the guy will love her which isn't the right reason. In the months leading up to the wedding, she slowly finds herself and learns that she has to get healthy, not worry about the pounds, because of self-love. It's sassy, funny, serious, with a message for binge eaters. I really liked it.