A review by gillianw
Bad Judgment by Sidney Bell



4.5 stars

Holy, this book was fun!

Bad Judgment is angsty in the best way and has a ton of UST (so much UST!), but it’s also thrilling, sexy, emotional and surprisingly funny. It’s probably one of the best enemies to lovers story I’ve read this year and has so many great elements that I can’t believe this is author’s first novel. FIRST!! What an accomplishment!

Brogan Smith has been newly hired as a bodyguard to a client who is notorious for being ‘difficult’. Brogan knows this is just code for being an asshole, but with a reputation for being able to handle the more special clients, he’s accepts the assignment willingly. But when he sets his sights on Embry Ford, his client’s executive assistant, he’s immediately fascinated by Embry’s good looks and his uptight demeanor.

Embry Ford is determined not to let Brogan Smith past his defenses. But resisting Brogan’s annoying yet charming banter is becoming more difficult the more time he spends in Brogan’s company. But Embry has a mission to carry out and falling for his boss’ bodyguard will only make accomplishing his dangerous task even more difficult.

The first and last third of this book is from Brogan’s POV and what a charming character he is. You definitely get the impression that he’s sweet, kind and generous to a fault – a character trait that seems to be to his own detriment. Even his best friend, Mario, accuses him of being a sap with a “fundamental need to save the people” he cares about. But watching the buttoned-up Embry thaw under Brogan’s care and concern is delicious and oh-so-satisfying. Brogan’s attempts at flirtation aren’t exactly met with enthusiasm on Embry’s part, but their banter is what elevated this book from good to great. Brogan pushes Embry’s buttons and Embry responds, almost despite himself, and some of the conversations between the two were laugh out loud funny. How can you possibly resist a novel that throws in a Schrödinger’s reference:

“Okay,” Brogan said. “Teach me something about physics then.”

“I meant working—”

“I know what you meant. We’re doing physics.”

“Force equals mass times acceleration,” Embry intoned.

“You can do better than that.”

Embry sank into a chair and scowled. This bossy thing was getting old fast. “You don’t give a shit about physics.”

“I’m a little afraid of physics,” Brogan replied, scraping his thumbnail along the table’s edge in a twitchy, nervous gesture. “I have a hard enough time with addition. Half the time I forget to carry the one. But there has to be something you can teach me that doesn’t use much math.”

Ten minutes later, this happened:

“Who the fuck would do that to a cat?” Brogan asked, looking horrified.

“They didn’t really. It’s theoretical. Just answer the question.”

“Well, how the hell do I know if it’s alive or dead if it’s in a box? I can’t see it.”

“That’s the point. The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics would’ve meant the cat was both until you knew for sure by seeing it, and that’s—”

“Screw quantum whatever,” Brogan told him. “The cat can’t be alive and dead at the same time. If you don’t believe me, just put the damn thing in a transparent box and be done with it.”

Embry smiled. “Schrödinger would’ve liked you.”

Despite my love for Brogan, which only grew in estimation throughout the book, it’s Embry who had all my sympathy. I’m grateful the author included Embry’s POV, because everything that leads up to the climax of this book is a direct result of Embry’s tragic history. The Embry that Brogan sees in the beginning is only one facet of his complicated personality and while I’m not sure that anyone would actually ever put themselves in Embry’s position, it still makes his emotional capitulation to Brogan all that much sweeter.

All in all, I thought this was an excellent debut novel by Sidney Bell and I’ll definitely keep my eyes open for further books by this author. I highly recommend this to anyone who loves a great romantic suspense novel with lots of charm and humor.

I received an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for a fair and honest review