A review by booklvrkat
Hearths of Fire by Kennedy Layne


Red Starr HRT is going to practice what they've been practicing for the few months they've all been together. There's a cult that is taking over the town where Doc comes from and his ex-fiance' and her sister are in trouble.

Kennedy Layne manages to bring you to the edge of your seat time and time again in this story. From the meeting between ex's, Doc & Charlotte, to the rescue of a teenager within the cult walls. Keeping it real she's made you look over your shoulder to see if the Ashes To Dust members are watching you, and to make you want to be a part of a newly re-kindled affair. I loved the interplay between Charlotte and her sister, Mandy ('cause that's the way sisters are!), and the description of the town and places within just gelled with me.

This is a series that's going to be right there along with her CSA tales..... WTG Kennedy. WTG.