A review by thepeachmartini
The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton


The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
Date Read: 5 Sept 2023

The good: the plot line is delicious - it’s like Groundhog Day meets Agatha Christie meets Clue in a dark alley and conspire to tell a fascinating tale that you really want to jump in feet first to sort out.

The bad: it took forever to get to a point where you felt it was worth all the back and forth. I was worried my library loan was going to expire before I’d even made it half way though the book…and even then, I was still waiting for some morsel of SOMETHING just to entice me to keep reading.

The idea behind this book is brilliant and I love it so much…but it’s so wordy and feels every bit of 482 pages.