A review by veronica87
Vicious Circle by Linda Robertson


1.5 stars

Meh. Nothing new here. Of course, this book was published a decade ago and if I had read it back then maybe I would have thought it was new and awesome. As it is, I've read a LOT of urban fantasy stories over the years so I'll just review all the old standards that are present in this one.

1. A likable yet still mostly bland heroine. Nothing much stands out about her until suddenly, *Bum-Bum-BUM!* she becomes The One.
2. The enigmatic, devastatingly handsome, immortal being who takes a sudden interest in the aforementioned likable but pleasingly bland heroine because in all his long centuries of life he has somehow never met anyone like her. Maybe all these immortal beings live as 24 hour shut-ins. Or maybe they really mean they've never met a woman quite so devoid of basic common sense because, personally, at only a few chapters in I was already thinking our heroine lacked some basic critical thinking skills. It took her well over the halfway mark before she even started to ask questions she should have been asking way back at chapter three. Not the brightest tool in the shed but what do I know? I'm not an immortal being.
3. The makings of the usual love triangle. And our heroine won't let piddling little things like
Spoilerthe kidnapping of her family and threats to their lives, and the removal of her free will and consent so that potential suitor can force his attentions on her
spoil the attraction. Pfft! If the guy is hot enough it trumps everything else.
4. The use of a mark/bond/whathaveyou to create a forced sense of intimacy between the heroine and one of the potential suitors because, oh I don't know, the author just doesn't want to put in the effort to actually craft a relationship over time.

So, yeah, been there, done that, tired of that. This is another series that is one-and-done for me.