A review by reader4evr
The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider


Did you know the title of this book was originally called Severed heads, broken hearts. I can see why the author called it that but I like the new title as well.

Overall, lots of emotions in this book. I enjoyed Ezra as the main character. He grew a lot into the book but boy did he have a rocky road. After his accident, I think the fallout that he had with his friends was totally believable. Teenagers are unfortunately like that which made me feel so bad for him. I'm glad that he reconnected with his friend Toby and ending up "joining" the debate team. Cassidy was a very complex character and threw a lot of loop holes throughout the story. I was totally shocked when
Spoilerwe found out that he had been dead for over a year and that he was the one that hit Ezra! That blew my mind!!! I guessed that something not so great happened with him but I was totally shocked and didn't catch on to when Ezra was telling Cassidy about the story about what happened how she figured it out that it was him that her brother hit. I also had predicted that something was going to happen with his dog and a coyote but I didn't expect him to die. WHY!!!

Overall I think this is a good contemporary that a lot of boys and girls will like. After reading some other reviews on the story, people were comparing this to Looking for Alaska. I think if when I book talk this I will have a long waiting list for this after telling them that!

Not a big fan of the cover of the book because I think just by the cover girls would pick this up over a boy even though the main character of this story is a boy.