A review by zjofie
Often I Am Happy by Jens Christian Grøndahl


Prachtig. Zo’n mooi kleinood, waar je heel veel troost uit kan halen in tijden van rouw, ook wanneer het over een heel ander soort rouw gaat dan waarmee jij geconfronteerd wordt. Doet me heel erg denken aan Julian Barnes' The Sense of an Ending en Levels of Life.

"For a few endless, lonely seconds it felt again as if I were swelling inside to the point of bursting, compact and breathless, and I had to clutch the armrest. It comes when I least expect it. It would be glossing over to say that I am in mourning when it is mourning that fills me up, that shapeless lump, growing unrestrainedly. It drives me out of myself, making me gasp, and nobody will ever understand before they themselves lose someone dear to them and feel the pressure. The shapeless, rising mass of grief. Yes, it is true that one is no longer oneself."