A review by jessiraemorton
Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread by Chuck Palahniuk


I feel like I say this about every short story collection I read. Short story collections just seem kind of hit or miss for me, and every time I read one there are stories I love and stories I hate. Make Something Up is no different.

Of course, there are the par for the Palahniuk course gross out stories ("The Toad Prince"), but there were several stories that I felt had a bit more nuance to them. "Expedition" was wonderful. I love the idea of Tyler being sort of hereditary, and I thought some of the things Palahniuk wrote about absent fathers in that story were particularly insightful. "Romance" bears up to re-reading as does "How a Jew Saved Christmas", both of which I had read when they were previously published elsewhere. I believe "Zombies" and "Tunnel of Love" were also previously published, but I didn't find them quite as compelling on a second read.

Overall, I think that this collection is a must read for Palahniuk fans. There were more good stories than not so good (and of course, some people will just prefer different stories). It's a solid set of stories from one of my favorite authors to read for fun. It was entertaining, quick, and occasionally unexpected. I especially liked some of the self-referential bits within stories, because it really highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of so much of Palahniuk's work.

Finally, I truly hope that compiling a set of stories that were already written and working on a sequel (Fight Club comic books) has given Chuck a bit of a rest. Over the past several years, he's really been cranking out novels, and I think a little time to breathe might do a world of good for the next one he writes.