A review by rj921
Battle Born by Amie Kaufman


This book is a satisfying conclusion to the Elementals trilogy. After the destructive events of the previous book, all the children are in shock about the damage they inadvertently inflicted, tired and hopeless about what to do next. They have managed to escape to Cloudhaven, the early home of the dragons which is a magical entity in itself, which initially permits only Reyna and Anders to properly enter the premises. After taking some time to rest and take stock, they are back in the game, looking for allies, searching for their parents, attempting to understand Cloudhaven and its workings, trying to find a means to unite humans, wolves and dragons. It's an action-packed race to the finish with time being of the utmost essence. The mixed band of Elementals split up into smaller units to do the various tasks that need to be accomplished, picking up some human allies along the way. There is some suspicion as to who was behind the supposed dragon fire, and the reveal as to who is behind the entire escalation of hostility between wolves and dragons is not surprising, but it's very saddening. The final confrontation scene is very well done, and I found the artefacts used - one in particular - to be quite interesting.

The series gives a very good message about different communities working together and learning to deal with each others' differences.