A review by nachtschreck
Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street: A Life of the World's First Consulting Detective by William S. Baring-Gould


This is the second attempt at a [b:Sherlock Holmes|9494597|Sherlock Holmes|Nick Rennison|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1286848540s/9494597.jpg|802713] biography that I've read, and I ended up being slightly bored by both of them. I guess the problem is that at some point both authors can't do much else than retell the canon stories. Baring-Gould did this to the point where he paraphrased or just quoted looooong passages from the canon, which was not necessary and didn't even fit with the style of the rest of the book. Why would you have extensive dialogue in a (fictional) biography? But maybe that's just me nitpicking.
What I really enjoyed were the chapters where he allowed his imagination to run free. I loved the description of Holmes's family and his early life, as well as the account of the Ripper killings.