A review by betherin02
Aiming for Love by Mary Connealy


Full review on FaithfullyBookish.com

The Nordegren sisters are living in a mountain paradise! This is not to say they have a physically easy life but you don’t have to be an awestruck flat-lander like me to appreciate their hard-core survivalist skills. After living cut-off from the outside world for the majority of their lives, these ladies take socially awkward to a whole new level and I love them for it!

Jo’s insatiable curiosity played a major role in ending the only way of life she and her sisters have ever known, secluded from the world in their mountain hideaway. Adventurous Josephine with her middle-child peacemaking heart is the perfect sister to lead the way into the terrifying new yet exciting territory of socialization.

David’s shock, concern, and frequent befuddlement over the Nordegren sisters is one of my favorite parts of this story. His chivalry doesn’t allow him to simply forget the sisters yet the fact that he’s hard-pressed to keep anything other than his fascination with Jo on his mind is evidence of the kind of attraction that makes chivalrous behavior a challenge.

Mary Connealy delivers a heartwarming, thought-provoking, and entertaining tale which is sure to delight readers from all elevations! I highly recommend Aiming for Love and eagerly anticipate the remaining installments of the Brides of Hope Mountain series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review. The opinions expressed are my own.