A review by divapitbull
The Brush of Black Wings by Grace Draven


3 1/2 stars

The Brush of Black Wings is a fairly short novella that takes place 5 years after The Master of Crows. Martise and Silhara are happily married; living at Neith, awaiting the rejuvenation of Silhara’s orange grove that was destroyed during his epic battle with the god Corruption. It starts out with an idyllic morning. Martise is up early to gather the short blooming delicacy of parasol mushrooms so their faithful friend and quasi servant Gurn can whip them up into a breakfast treat. Silhara is bitching that Gurn cheated him out of his morning nookie and is threatening disembowelment and Gurn is happily signing that Silhara is a horse’s ass. Add to this Cael the magefinder happily bounding about and stinking things up and all is right with the world.

Except that in Silhara’s benignly cursed wood of Neith; things aren’t quite so benign. It seems that one of the ruins on the property carries a little bit more than “the ghost of their power” from times past. One of the ruins thought to be dormant gets a little jolt to life when Martise’s helter skelter fickle gift decides to make a reappearance and kick into over drive. Then the next thing you know – Silhara and Martise are embroiled in another adventure – this time taking on one of the Wraith King demons.

The Brush of Black Wings was an enjoyable visit with beloved characters. I would have liked more humorous bantering between Silhara, Martise and Gurn while Cael lounged under the table. In other words – a nice relaxing catch-up; but I understand that most people want an actual…story…and it’s always nice to see the god-smiter in action.