A review by merlin_reads
You Were Here by Cory McCarthy


 Grief. It means something different to everyone. It's also something everyone handles differently. Because honestly, who's to say what's right and what's wrong? When Jaycee witnesses her older brother, Jake's, horrific death it inevitably changes her and everyone around her. Her best friend stops talking to her. Her mother ends up in a mental ward of sorts and her father acts like he's going to lose her every time she walks out the door. Then there's Mik, Jake's best friend. He's the only one Jaycee can find comfort each year on the anniversary of Jake's death. But something is different about Mik lately. Something is different about everyone.

This story follows 5 people: Jaycee, Mik, Natalie, Bishop, and Zach. Each one is struggling with something internally, whether it's grief or change or fear. They are 5 very different people who end up finding solace in each other - somewhat rather unwillingly.

This book was interesting to me. Mostly because I didn't really like any of the characters. Almost all of them were horrible people who did horrible things to each other. The one who surprised me the most was Zach. He first comes across as the boy who doesn't want to grow up, he just wants to party all the time and make out with his girlfriend. But as the story progresses, he becomes the most interesting character of all and one with the most depth.

Even though the story focused on Jaycee and how she was coping, or not, with her brothers death, I just didn't care for her. But I understood her, if that makes sense. Grief makes people do and act in ways people don't care for. And that's why this story was so different. It's about change and acceptance. In a way, it's a road map of the five stages of grief. And the way it's told - Jaycee, Natalie, & Zach with words, Mik like a graphic novel, and Bishop with just one piece of art (his own paintings) was a brilliant decision by the author.

This is definitely one to judge for yourself because I think everyone will get something different out of it. The writing style was done really well and I am interested in checking out more from this author.