A review by readaholic19
The Subway Girl by Lisa Becker


Ryan sees a girl on the subway and immediately feels a connection with her. He decides he better make a move to talk to her, but before he gets his chance she's gone. All her remembers are little details - a pink beanie and an English accent.

Ryan is determined to find her and even creates a website to find this mysterious Subway Girl. That's how he ends up being contacted by a celebrity gossip website - to see if they can help Ryan find The Subway Girl.

I won't reveal too much more of the plot, because I don't want to spoil the book! But everyone in the story is vested in Ryan to find the Subway Girl. What we slowly come to understand are the motives why - and some of them definitely ended up surprising me.

I enjoyed the way Lisa was able to highlight both the wonderful aspects of social media/celebrity gossip as well as the pitfalls. Through Ryan's journey, we are able to see what motivates the different characters in The Subway Girl and if their motivation is out of the goodness of their heart or something more sinister.

While the sexy times in The Subway Girl were hot (so hot), I wasn't really invested in the main romance. I do feel like sometimes there were too many voices in the book and those took away from the romance for me.


Story: 3
Narration: 4
Overall: 3

I'm a big fan of Erin Mallon and I think she did a wonderful job narrating the various characters in The Subway Girl. I could always fell the different emotions that a character was going through.

I enjoyed the audiobook of The Subway Girl! Mystery, romance and a bit of reality TV all combined for an entertaining romance.

I received a complimentary audiobook copy of this book from the author.