A review by amibunk
A Tangled Web by L.M. Montgomery


I love L.M. Montgomery, it's no secret. The fan-girl reverence I feel for this childhood author comes only third to the devotion I have for Laura Ingalls Wilder and Carolyn Keene (whom, yes I know is not an actual person, but just let me have my little fantasy.)
So it is with no small dismay that I must rate a book of Ms. Montgomery's so poorly, but truth be told I did not enjoy it at all. There were so many weak-willed, disagreeable, contrary, or silly characters that I couldn't even keep track of everybody. The few characters I managed to care about weren't fleshed out as much, due to the enormity of the literary ensemble. The entire tone of the book felt too breezy and gossipy for me, especially in contrast to her other novels such as Blue Castle. Worst of all? That wretched Nan never even got a proper comeuppance. I wanted to see her crushed, instead she was just a little flattened. Oh the injustice of it.
Still, if out of the dozens and dozens (and dozens) of books I've read by L.M. Montgomery this is the first I've disliked, then that's rather great statistically speaking.