A review by prationality
The Down Home Zombie Blues by Linnea Sinclair


For the record the red cover was the original design I believe for the book cover, but then Bantam went with the new redesign for all the books. I have the redesign cover and like it better. Well I like the gun on the red cover better, but I like the ship on the redesign. In case you didn't notice I have a thing for ships and space stations (blame it on my love of Star Trek).

I admit that when I see 'zombie' I want brain-eating undead (like Resident Evil). These weren't zombies in that sense, which as it turned out I was okay with. Jorie and Theo's relationship was, as usual, believable and tense. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy the women in Linnea's books being the ones with 'powers' (for lack of a better word)?

I enjoyed the book because it was a Linnea Sinclair book and had all the necessary hallmarks to make it a good scifi read with romance tossed in. It isn't however, my favorite book and if it had been any other author I would have put the book down and not finished it. It wasn't unfortunately as attention-enthralling as her previous books I'd read and I blame myself for that because everytime I saw 'Earth' or 'Florida' I cringed. I like my scifi in outer space away from Earth. As far away as possible when possible.

Sorry for the late (lacklustre) review. Gabriel's Ghost and Shades of Dark will both be posted today. Hope's Folly will be posted tomorrow or Monday (depending on if my sister drags me into NYC for the teen author festival or not).