A review by tintinintibet
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis


I'm not sure if this book deserves all 5 stars or just 4. Usually I reserve 5 stars for those books that stick with you for a while, changing your perspective irrevocably or simply are so evocative that I can't help but give credit where credit is due.

Time will tell whether this book will do that -- but I suspect so. After reading lots of pulitzer-aspiring (and maybe winning, who knows) reviews of the financial crisis in book form or in the New Yorker and its ilk -- and even listening to lots of fascinating stories from the radio/podcast folks at This American Life and Planet Money, I still think this book provides a uniquely human angle AND a uniquely insightful technical commentary too.

There are a couple editing/repetitive/issues that are probably only noticeable if you read the book fairly quickly. Otherwise the repeating of definitions, actions, or thoughts could be probably helpful.