A review by earlgreybooks
Blood and Water by Briana Morgan


Originally posted at Tea & Titles

Um, wow.

I’d been looking for more writing blogs to follow when I found Briana’s blog. I can’t remember what post it was, but the first thing I saw was the cover of Blood and Water and I thought it was absolutely gorgeous. The thing is, I don’t often buy e-books because I use the website Scribd and I think paying for a subscription for that and then buying e-books on top is a little counterproductive. So I was just chilling on Twitter one afternoon when Briana tweeted that the book had gone live on Scribd.

I started reading it about an hour later once I’d done the few things I had to do. It took literally two hours to read the book, and it probably would have been quicker than that if I hadn’t had to stop so many times to remind myself to breathe. I think that probably sums up the general feel of this book. Every now and again, I’ll finish a book that has been so anxiety inducing that I just have to lie down for a minute so I don’t pass out. This was one of those books. I am literally shaking as I write this review, and my mind is still racing.

Let’s try and make this an actual review, hey? Firstly, the characters—I love them. I can sympathise with Jay in a way that I didn’t really expect to. I don’t always connect with male protagonists, but with Jay I could sort of relate to him. I understand his need to protect his friends and his family, and the lengths he goes to do that. I really loved Maia, Melanie and Sean but I can’t really explain why without ruining anything. I can say that they all had a really great relationship which I loved reading about.

If you hadn’t already guessed from my little spiel up there, this book is intense. Really intense. Even just thinking about the plot is making my heart race again. I love a good dystopian/apocalyptic book, but recently I’ve kind of being staying away from them because every one I read was pretty much the same. I was so so happy to see that this was different. There were so many moments I just wanted to scream through the screen because I was freaking out about what was happening. I definitely did not expect this to go down the road it did.

Excuse me, while I go do some breathing exercises.