A review by degenderates
Phantom by Susan Kay


I absolutely loved this book! I was introduced to the story with the ALW musical and proceeded to watch the 2004 movie and read Leroux's original novel (vastly different, as one might imagine!). In the process of this, I discovered that there are so many other Phantom of the Opera adaptations, including this one! I plan on watching and reading them all. As for this book, I found it truly moving. It's the first book I've ever read that I've had to set down because it makes me so sad, yet I didn't cry. I was too sad to cry. From the way Erik's mother treated him to Erik's actions in Persia, I was heartbroken from beginning to end.
My one complaint was the odd attractions and/or jealousy that existed between some of the characters, mainly dealing with Erik's relationship with Madeline and Ayesha. You'll see what I mean if you choose to read this. But that one disturbing aspect of the story was not enough to bring the book down a star! Anyway, whether you're a phan of the Phantom of the Opera story or simply desire to read a good book, pick this up! I highly recommend it.