A review by tenthplanet1
Doctor Who: Out of Time 1 by Matt Fitton


Second listen - 3.5

Big Finish has fallen into the trap that modern Who often does. It presents us with show altering peril and danger that obviously could never happen because we know the continuity of the show, and so none of it feels very threatening or exciting. It’s fast paced and energetic without ever being that entertaining. This time around though I did really enjoy hearing Tom and David together, and some of the callbacks and comparisons between their Doctors made this a more enjoyable experience, particularly towards the end. I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with David Tennant in future stories. 

First listen - 3.5

There’s almost nothing in here for Classic Who fans to enjoy outside of the novelty, but it’s certainly easy to listen to and inoffensive. I feel like Big Finish put the focus too much on the generic adventure instead of having the two Doctors bounce off eachother, and there’s some missed character opportunities here due to the upcoming Timelord Victorious event which is disappointing. As a standard story it’s fine, but I expected more from such a monumental cross-over.