A review by kdurham2
The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen


A book that begins as a story that centers around fraternal twins who have always had a place in their family set in stone, but through some ups and downs these twins are having to find out how to both change and still find their place.

I think this kind of sibling rivalry happens in all kinds of siblings from fraternal twins to identical twins to siblings of different ages. My sister and I serve different roles in our family - she is the creative and big picture one and I am the organized detail oriented person. I can't imagine if our roles were reversed for one reason or another and how we would all have to shift and change to make a new normal.

My favorite part of this book was thinking that it was headed in a certain direction and at a drop of a hat, the author takes it to a whole nother level. As always, I can not divulge what takes the book to the next level because this is one that must be picked up on your next trip to a bookstore (preferably an indie bookstore!).