A review by cats_cardigans_and_catalogs
The Heir of Brownlie Manor by Anita Stansfield


Wow, what an all time low. I can usually get through Anita Stansfield (mainly for recommending purposes) but this one... Ugh! Okay, so characters: of you've read any of Anita stand Stansfields other books, you already know them all. There was almost nothing original. It's like she took parts of the plot from By Love and Grace and a few others, changed the names and put it in Regency Era. The phrasing she used, especially when describing Ruth and Yvette's emotions were almost cut and paste from her other novels. The only reason I finished it was to see if she had an original ending. If you haven't read any Anita Stansfield then it won't be so bad, but seriously almost painful to read...