A review by kristi518
An Amish Home: Four Novellas by Kathleen Fuller, Amy Clipston, Beth Wiseman


From four different authors come four very different stories focusing on family and home. Each author has a unique story and voice that brings a realness to the story. There is something for everyone in this collection.

First is Beth Wiseman's novella. Beth writes about a newlywed Amish couple trying to adapt to marriage and the very new reality of Sarah being confined to a wheelchair. I found myself quickly immersed in this story and wanting a happy ending for this couple.

Next up is Amy Clipston with a different kind of story. Her story focuses on a young couple who end up living in the daadihaus on an Amish family's property. As this young couple struggles, they also find comfort in the friendship the Amish family provides. It was very interesting to read of the interaction between the two different cultures.

Ruth Reid brings a story of an Amish couple struggling with their relationship. It was nice to read about an Amish couple who are facing problems in their marriage. I think it is easy to forget the Amish have the same problems as everyone else and this wonderful story showcased this in a very believable way.

Last but certainly not least is Kathleen Fuller's story. Kathleen has a way of telling a story that makes you want to know more about the characters and want only the best for them. I liked Faith and Silas and found the situation they found themselves in very unique and entertaining.

All of the novellas in this collection are quick reads. All four have good, solid storylines. Each story is told in a way that leaves the reader feeling as if the story is complete at the end. This is a great collection for fans of the genre and those looking for fast, yet meaningful, reads.

I received a free copy of this book and was not required to write a review. All opinions are mine.