A review by jamies_shelves
Dark Heir by C.S. Pacat



What. A. Ride.

And the fact that there is nothing about book 3, but if it's like this one we will have to wait 2 years (aka another year). WHYYYYY.

Okay, let's get into the book.

There will be spoilers because why are you reading the reviews of a sequel in the series unless you've already read it and want other people's opinion, or don't plan to and want spoilers?


Will. My fucking baby boy. God my heart. He was just trying to protect his friends and do the right thing, but no one believed him. Violet even acknowledging that she'd remember later that he was the only one talking about stopping the returners, but she couldn't focus on it then. All he wanted was to do the right thing and not have his friends hate him, because he knew they wouldn't let him explain himself, and it KILLS me that he was right. And especially after the story the woman gave about him being such a sweet and loyal child. STOPPPPP. He just wants to be loved.

James. THIS BOY HAS MY HEART AND I NEED HIM TO BE PROTECTED AND SAFE AND HIS OWN MAN. The utter faith and loyalty he had for Will. He just wanted to be loved for more than his looks and valued for more than his power. Him willing to trust Will, and being so trusting with the collar. GODS DAMN. And his ending?!?!? I hope he still has some mind of his own. He has been through so much and was still willing to help those who scorned him.

Violet is so badass and I love that she still loves her brother and trusts that he won't hurt her. I'm hoping she will show this same loyalty to Will and just know that he is good. I wasn't as into her plot this time, so didn't mind that we got a bit less of her, but I did think it was interesting to see what was going on with her.

Cyprian is so awesome, and my heart broke for the decision he had to make. I really thought the devil (whose name I can't think of how to spell right now) would come help them and he wouldn't have to do it. He really is selfless and willing to give everything to protect others. I really liked seeing his and Will's friendship build more in this, so it pains me that he was so quick to not trust him. I get why he, but it still hurt. I did like seeing him adjust a bit more to life outside the hall.

Grace was cool, but I feel like we still don't know too much of her.

Elizabeth is so unintentionally funny. The way she spoke to Visander, like go off sis. I love that she was willing to get in between him and Violet. I understand why she hates Will, but I wish she wasn't so quick to dismiss him, especially when she acknowledged that he had so many opportunities that he could've killed her. But again, I get it. One, because of Katherine, but also because she's like ten lol.

Visander, what a treat to get his character! I really loved getting to know him and when we learned at the end his connection to the Dark King! I was shook. I'm so interested in seeing if him and Devon reconnect and can become friends again. I feel so bad for him with how different the world is and seeing what Devon has become.

Phillip. What a dark horse. Never expected to like this guy, but damn do I!


I love Violet and Cyprian and I'm so happy we finally got a kiss! It's sad to know their relationship will end in tragedy? But I'm hoping since we saw Will can control the shadow in him, that he will be able to order it to leave and save him.

Visander and Phillip!!! OMG DO I SHIP THEM. Like woooo. But I will say, him being in Katherine's body wigs me the fuck out. I hope there's a way to change that... but either way, I want them together.

James and Will. THESE BOYS. I love them so much it hurts. I loved seeing them build their relationship and trust. James trying to help Will unlock his powers!! Why was that so sensual?!?! Like holy shit. And James trusting Will enough to show him the collar and even asking him to put it on him, but Will refusing!!!! And James asking Will to kiss him, to take him. To show him that he doesn't belong just to the Dark King and to show he isn't afraid of him and willing to be with him. And Will refusing to be with him when James doesn't know the truth so saying he wants him but only after everything. YOUR HONOR I LOVE THEM.

My heart was BREAKING when Will thought James cared for him enough to choose him even though he was the Dark King. Him telling him to say he doesn't hate him, and wants him, and kissing him, KNOWING that he collar was making him even if he didn't know it. It was painful. And then Will realizing he was wearing the collar and his heart breaking, but immediately stopping. I need there to be a way for him to take the collar off. I'm hoping Will can aragases it open.


I loved this book and I can't wait for book three.

I'm hoping we get lots of flashbacks to the past. Like when the Dark King first put the collar on James and got him to change sides.

I'd also love to see the true relationship between The Lady and the Dark King, because it was kind of implied maybe it's not what we think. Maybe she didn't truly love him and vice versa? We know there was some connection, and they had a night together, but love?

I hope the collar comes off kind of soon so we can get a lot of Will and James with their free will and actually working through everything and building their relationship.

I hope Violet joins Will, and Cyprian too, and that Will does embrace his magic, but remains fighting for the light.