A review by tuttidolci
Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward


Oh, my.

What to say?

Ummm...in all honesty? It tanked for me.

I found the storyline weak and Payne, who should've been a kick-ass heroine (ala Xhex, perhaps, but sexier?) was everything BUT. I also found Manny's and (LORD-PLEASE-FORGIVE-ME-FOR-TYPING-THIS) Vishous' story lines to be too neatly wrapped up and tied off with a pretty bow. Furthermore, Qhuinn's premonition? Uh, perhaps I don't recall, but I thought that the only one who could see into the future was V. That felt kind of like it came out of left field. Let's see...what else? I had several issues with this book but mostly it's that it was nowhere near as strong as many of the other books. Hell, I was really disappointed with Phury's book and this one is just a notch BELOW it for me.

Yeah, I wasn't fond of it.

It didn't even move us along in the BDB world! I don't really care a whole lot about the whole Lesser thing, but I didn't really get too much out of the epic battle that's to come, other than Xcor's potential involvement. Is it that the antagonist in this series will now be a new batch of non-Brotherhood warriors and not so much the Omega's lessers? I am Le Confuzzled.

And wait...shouldn't we have gotten a little more insight on Mhurder? For some reason, I thought we'd know more about him in this book.


Lover Unleashed gets a C- from me (also known as a "Meh") and that's really disappointing because I adore this series as a whole and expected so much more.