A review by tej_reads
A Fate Inked In Blood by Danielle L. Jensen


A Fate Inked In Blood is part of a new series by Danielle L. Jensen, it follows Freya, a shield-maiden and daughter of Hlin, who is stuck in an unwanted marriage until the day her husband sells her off to the Jarl (King) of the land. Fighting to prove her worth, Freya revels that she is a shield maiden whose magic can repel any attack, in doing so she finds herself trapped in another unwanted marriage with the Jarl himself will falling in love with his son, Bjorn. With all Jarls wanting to control her, due to a prophecy stating that the nation of Skaland would be united beneath the one who controls the shield maiden’s fate, Freya must find out who controls her destiny, Bjorn, the Jarl or if it can be re-written.

I had to physically put this book down at around 80% because of how annoying I found Freya, like she could not be quiet for a hot minute and think before she acted. Live now, think later followed her throughout the whole book. But then I picked it back up and finished in within 20 minutes and I'm so annoyed I didn't finish it earlier. 

The world building was there, I could very much envision the world that Jensen had created, and I like the range of characters and the range magic and the magic system. There wasn't really a need for the info dump that's normally required when coming into a new fantasy book. However, there was no character that you could like or root for throughout the book, and I think that's where is fell flat for me. I still gave it four stars because I wanted to know what was going to happen plot wise but I couldn't have cared less about that characters. There was no depth, it was just face value for most of characters,

I eagerly await book two. I'm excited to see where the story goes and explore the new worlds with Nordeland and get to know our other characters more.

Thank you Random House UK, Cornerstone, Del Rey for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.