A review by kimball_hansen
Trump: How to Get Rich by Meredith McIver, Donald J. Trump


Well this certainly wasn't my second favorite book - not like [b:Trump: The Art of the Deal|1032|Trump The Art of the Deal|Donald J. Trump|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1442705949s/1032.jpg|1224415]. He came across as a lot more arrogant and annoying in this book than his other classic. It'd be nice if he narrated his own books though. This narrator wasn't as good as the other. I've never seen the Apprentice and now want to see a few episodeys to see what they are like. He said all the women flirted with him on that show whether consciously or subconsciously. That's funny.

He gives advice to not intimidate people, does he follow that? I don't see how you can make it big in business and not try to intimidate others.

That's neat he thought about running for president back in 2000 as a 3rd party candidate but he said he's too blunt to be a politician. I'm glad he kept his bluntness.

He offered this tip for public speaking: "When public speaking don't think the mass of people are there to judge you, but as individuals who might be attending because they have to be or they're interested in something." A good reminder when giving a talk for Church! When listening to others give talks and you notice they capture your attention, find out specifically what it was that caught your attention and implement that in your next speech.

A friend of Trump said, "Avoid being the trigger and the revolver will not be a threat."

Someone told Trump that he's very much like a Mormon and he took that as High Praise. I knew it! He's Mormon

Trump said, "Everyone has an opinion, in most cases it's not worth the paper [or internet space] it's written on." He also said that sometimes you have to hold a grudge. Yes! Thank you! Now I can keep holding on to mine because I'm not about to toss away a perfectly good plan to enact revenge on someone.

I admire his love for reading books. It makes perfect sense why he's where he's at. You can't go to very far places if you don't read often and frequently.

He suggest to always sign a pre-nup before you get married. It might not be a bad idea for more people to do it. I think a lot of problems could be avoided.

I loved how he ripped on people sin verguenza, like Dan Rather.

I wanted to hear his P.O.V. when 9/11 happened. What was going on in Trump tower that morning?

He does his fun hourly schedule for a week like he did in his other classic book. It's fun to hear his horario.

As far as getting rich, I couldn't find jack squat in here.