A review by brisingr
Set on You by Amy Lea


Giving this two stars because the hero was truly out of this world in this one and saved this one from being a full on disappointment. But everything else is such a hot mess, to me personally. I hate the influencer culture this heroine is so involved in, because it dates this book horribly, and although written 2-3 years ago, it's already 'old' for its internet slang and pop culture references. Hated the plot's structuring around the gym setting (I!!! hate gyms with my whole heart!!) and in fact the whole book was super triggering for me, but not in the kind that would allow me some kind of katarsis.

Sometimes, maybe, it's better to shut up on important, but deeply personal topics that one may know nothing about. Because sometimes, unfortunately, you end up with a poorly paced novel that says nothing.