A review by cobycoyle
Crossed by Ally Condie


Another enjoyable read. I typically enjoy the first book in a series the most compared to its sequels, and this stands true here. It was a good sequel though, still easy to read. I enjoyed being able to read from both Cassia and Ky's POV's. Despite any small gripes I may have, I'm looking forward to reading Reached.
I liked Vick's story line and wish we could have seen more of him. Same with Eli, there was little back story for him and then he just disappeared off with Hunter. I also feel like a lot was left unexplained about the farming society, how they relate to the Rising/Resistance, etc., though I can recognize this will probably be written about more in the third book.
I was irritated, again, with how ridiculously fast and shallow falling in love is in the story. When Cassia told Indie "you're in love with Xander" and she didn't deny it, like she was admitting to it, I kind of just sat there for a minute. To me, she can be in love with the IDEA of Xander/being Matched/being with someone like Xander, but she can't possibly be in love with a person she has never even spoken to or interacted with in any way. If this is what the Ally Condie meant to convey rather than her *actually* being in love with him, than it should have been phrased differently.