A review by nyssahhhh
Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive by Kristin Neff


Very similar to her previous book, but I appreciated the nuances about living in a patriarchal society and how that affects fierceness. 

Some fave lines:
P. 215: I helped her see that the motivation of self-compassion doesn't always mean doing better. Well fearsness and courage is also try our best to improve, we also need tenderness to accept our limitations.

P. 245: I remember lying in bed, putting both hands on my heart, and crying all night. I told myself, "This really hurts. I feel so insane. So on valued period but I see you, Kristen. I value you and honor how hard you've worked to bring more compassion to this world. I'm so sorry that your department and university have different values. But it has nothing to do with you or the worth of your scholarship." I allowed the storm to arrive to let loose the deluge of wind, rain, and thunder and move on. 

P. 253: instead of looking to others for a sense of worthiness and approval, it's possible to turn inward to our own Wellspring of warmth and Goodwill as a source. It may sound like a tall order, but this is the power of self-compassion. We embrace ourselves, flaws and all, and value ourselves because of, not in spite of, our imperfections. We honor our strengths and our weaknesses. We don't need to do anything to earn the acceptance; we claim it as our birthright.

P. 265: I put both hands over my heart and started rocking back and forth. I whispered to myself, "it's going to be okay, darling. You'll get through this. You're doing the best you can." 

P. 383: it's as if I, Kristin, am no longer controlling things or making decisions in my life, but am rather just supporting and helping myself as it unfolds moment by moment. By letting go of identification with the self who knows things and controls things comma I feel lighter inside — both in terms of feeling less bogged down and feeling more full of light.