A review by tabatha_shipley
'Salem's Lot by Stephen King


What I Did Like:
+King does a remarkable job of highlighting the fact that this is a normal town with normal people going about a normal day early on in the story. It’s honestly where he does his best work. This could be any small town anywhere, which makes the horrific introduction of vampires that much more shocking.
+The doubt that practically everyone has for the mythical creatures is well written. It would be shocking if everyone were an expert or if everyone just believed it. This is more natural and realistic.
+The vibe is very similar to Bram Stoker’s famous vampire book, which was the inspiration for this one. It’s not easy to capture the vibe of something else so succinctly and considering the source material, this is high praise.

Who Should Read This One:
-Fans of Dracula who want something a bit more modern.

My Rating: 4 Stars

For Full Review: https://alltherightreads.com/2024/02/13/2024-book-review-salems-lot/