A review by totallybex
Wicked Mafia Prince by Annika Martin


I am seriously in love with this series. The danger, the excitement, the anticipation, the writing; everything keeps me glued to the characters and the storyline.

After getting a tiny peek into Viktor’s past in Dark Mafia Prince, I couldn’t wait to read more about his life in Russia and see what made him the way he is.

Viktor was such a mystery in Dark Mafia Prince. He’s quiet, but he has a presence about him and you know he can turn dangerous at any moment. He’s also tortured by having to kill his girlfriend and then finding out the truth after she died.

Watching Viktor suffer so much emotional turmoil after finding Tanechka again is heartbreaking. You feel every bit of his struggle and desperation.

Tanechka is also a mystery, both her past and her present, which makes her perfect for Viktor. She isn’t the same person she was before she was ‘killed’ and it is so interesting to see how her old and new life merge.

I loved the memories of their past and how they interact with one another. Considering that she is an apprentice nun, it went at a great pace and it worked for me.

As much as I love this series, I need more answers! I need to know how and when they are going to find Kiro, I need to know how they are going to defeat Bloody Lazarus, and so much more.

I am waiting with bated breath until October when Savage Mafia Prince is released.