A review by a_mara
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky


This book has stayed lonely and unread, gathering dust, for seven years in my bookshelf, since I've bought it a the age of eighteen thinking reading Russian literature would make me soooo intellectual. I am glad I did not read it back then, with that superficial mindset you have when you're a teenager, because I definitely wouldn't have enjoyed it, understood it and internalised it as much as I did now.
Regardless all the praise this book universally gets, I feared a brick of a book, slow and difficult, something you read because you kind of have to. I was definitely wrong. A psychological journey into the mind of a tormented and tortured man, a cast of characters that feel so close and real, lines paragraphs and pages that are so.. I would say modern, relatable, present, the permanent coexistence of hope and hopelessness, fear, tenderness, anticipation, this can't be anything but a full 5 stars read. I am actually excited at the prospect of so many other Dostoevsky novels I will have the pleasure to read in the future!