A review by booknerd1986
Arm Candy Warrior by E.M. Moore


Holy crap this book was amazing. Kyla is so fierce and kickass, but I also love her emotional side as well especially for the guys.

Johnny I have a love/hate relationship with that man one minute I love him and the next I just want to kick him in the balls lol. But we do get to see a little bit of emotional and softer side of him in this book.
As for the rest of the guys well you just need to read this book to find out I ain't spoiling anything for you.

I do have my theories on Big Daddy K though. Like he is aware of who Kyla really is? And I think the reason he won't allow Johnny and Kyla to sleep together is he may think they are related in some way? There just something there that he knows.
I freakin loved this book and I cannot wait for book 3 to come out, as it ended in a cliffy. I need more lol.