A review by silent_layla
Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse


Actually 3.5

This is the most well written Star Wars book I have ever read! Rebecca Roanhorse did a excellent job here given what she had to work with. I also thought she did characterization of our main characters very well! Despite not having a whole lot of Rey in this book, the stuff you do get is right on the nose in terms of her mindset post-Crait. I liked that she’s still kind of a loner and secretive and not quite ready to take on the massive amount of responsibility as a Jedi. Leia too was very well done as was Poe!
Now I’m not a huge fan of Poe, and this book is quite literally mostly about Poe. Add in a couple more new characters or other extended EU characters-that’s this book.
The reasons I didn’t like it was because it didn’t really give us anything new! Marketed as sort of essential reading yet by the end we aren’t even close to where the resistance is suppose to be for nine. The best scenes were the ones released as exclusives and the rest of the book was long drawn out action sequences and heist shenanigans. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it and, again, the writing was the best I’ve seen, but it not what I wanted out of this book. I felt like we needed just a little bit more to set us up for nine, because we still basically know nothing about Reys journey with the force. Or any idea what Kylo as Supreme Leader is doing ( yes rounding up sympathizers, but I thought that seemed more just a mechanism in place before his rise to power?). My last gripe was I that I’d hoped they would explain how much everyone knows about what happened to Rey: what’s her story about what happened with Snoke? Does Leia/Finn know she had a force bond with Kylo? But to no avail, there were no answers here.
Rey does have this great line where she says, “hope isn’t foolish,” of something to that vein. In context i think it’s in reference to her previous talk with Leia and it’s just good ;)