A review by joanna1905
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab


Another awesome book from V.E. Schwab, after the way book one ended off I was definitely intrigued to see what would happen next.

I really enjoyed getting to see more of Rhy and his and Kell's relationship, though I think it's a shame he remains so blind to the way his parents view Kell as a possession right until the moment they arrest him to 'keep him safe'. Though I suspect in book 3 we'll find out there's more to this, it is very clear his parents DON'T view Kell as a son but stop just before the point of outright hostility (at least in front of Rhy).

While having their lives tied together certainly isn't ideal, it astounds me that the King and Queen treat Kell so horribly because of the choice he made to SAVE THEIR SON AND FUTURE KING. There's no mention of a line of succession so I can only assume had Rhy died, and once the King was dead there'd be some sort of Grey London style battle for the throne. Maybe be greatful dude.

It kind of disappointed me that Lila and Kell didn't reunite to quite a ways into the book though I had anticipated she was waiting for the moment they were in the ring together to reveal it. I also wish we got an explanation as to why Lila hid herself from Kell the entire time, she never really gives a reason for this and it just makes me assume she doesn't care about him nearly as much as he does her - though by the time you get to the end of this book it's clear that probably isn't the case.

It also kind of annoyed me how stubborn she was in staying in the competition, though Kell was kind of the same he had the prince help him pull it off and likely wouldn't have faced execution had he been found out. For most of the book she's not nearly as capable as she thinks she is and takes dumb risks, but then all of a sudden at the perfect moment shes's suddenly all powerful and despite only training a few months she's somehow stronger than the other professional competitors.

Holland's return was not unexpected but It was unfortunate he made the exact same decision he'd made with the Danes and become a tool again for someone more powerful. Though I hope and suspect we may get a redemption arc in book 3.

All in all, it was definitely a good sequel and I'm excited to start the big mama that is book three - and I really really hope Rhy's parents get their crap together and apologize to Kell.