A review by nasaje
Alpha's Submission by Nora Phoenix


I want to start this review by saying that if you haven't read Alpha's Sacrifice (Irresistable Omegas #1), you're probably not gonna enjoy this very much or understand very much.

Now for the actual review:

I loved it. It is very information packed, so it's not a light or fluffy read, and I understood a lot more of the story as more information was brought into the light, so prepare to feel slightly confused at times (alongside the characters), but know that it will all make sense as you go along.

The good thing about that is that there is never a dull moment; there is never a time when you want to put it down, and if I didn't need sleep, I would have read it in one sitting because it is so captivating.

The characters are complex and deep, and you feel and feel for them, and you want to hit them at times, but mostly you just want to give them a big hug.

This is a book that I will reread many times in the future; both because I liked it a lot, but also because I feel like there is a new layer to unearth, a new piece of information to pull apart with every read-through.