A review by ashleighjaynex
Whisper Island by Carissa Ann Lynch


I got really sucked into this story , it had me on the edge of my seat petrified and anxious to find out what would happen . I never thought I would love this book as much as I did , but I loved the authors writing style and found it different to what I’ve read before.

I really enjoyed all the multiple points of view throughout this , I thought it be might of been hard to follow with its changing between them but I found it really easy to follow still. I found each character added to the suspense.

I really couldn’t put this book down and read it within a day, this book was creepy, dark, emotional and kept me edge the edge of my seat the whole time while reading it, I found the author kept me guessing all the way through this book till the very end.

I have never read from this author before and since finishing I’ve already checked out her other books.
